Super short post tonight- but just want you to know (all of my HUGE fans) hehe that I am back to blogging.
I ran a half marathon the Minneapolis Marathon to be exact, on Sunday... I did well for not really training :)
I ran it in 1:43 not my best and I could have done betta - I started towards the back but oh well.
I ran it with my sister (we signed up on Friday night). I just want to explain how proud I am of her! She did not really train and never thought she would do one... not to mention she is signed up for the Chi full with me mwahahaha.
Anyways, I was just super happy because I love seeing people run further than they thought they could! She looked so strong and kicked ass. A best friend from home and a co-worker also completed their own first half marathons on Sunday. I may be a loser but I get so pumped for other peoples running accomplishments!
Congrats all my running buddies!!! You are all inspirational!
Running is something so dear to my heart- it has taught me how to be strong and prove to myself I CAN DO ANYTHING. I love to run run run run run. I love seeing other people love it. I love it.
So I am making a promise of three upcoming posts to hold myself to:
1. My ABC's of food I got from my bestie Caitlin (who is training for her first half!)
2. So you want to run a marathon (my best advice)
3. Running is not for everyone- if you don't like it.... WHO Cares! Do what YOU love!
That is all. I am pooped and have to whoop some booty in the morning at Sculpt :)
p.s. I made amazing banana PB brownies that I want to marry. Super easy (I did not take pics but here it is)
1 box of No Pudge Brownie Mix
1 cup of Greek Yogurt
1/2 cup oatmeal (optional)
PB choco chip swirl chips
2 suuuper ripe nanners (mashed)
PB!- like a hlaf cup?
Powdered Sugar
Directions: Mix brownie mix, greek yogurt, 1 mashed nanner choco chips and oat meal. Bake at 350 for about 30 minutes.
Frosting:1Mashed nanner, PB, powdered sugar (some milk if needed) wisk this frosting together, add more sugar as needed (you can add a little butter too) dump over almost cooled brownies and top with more choco chips.
Eat and be in heaven. I LOVE using greek yogurt because it makes the brownies so thick and gooey- they taste sooo decadent.
Yum Yum Yum treats.
I may have another... you know, pre sculpt fuel :)
Night lovvvvvvvas.
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