Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 6: Your Favorite Super Hero and Why?

Who is my favorite Super Hero?... ummm

This one took me a while. I mean I am a girl and was never a big cartoon person. The only shows I liked were Ruggrats, Aurthur and that Recess show. Is that weird?

BUT I have to pick one so I moved away form the cartoon idea and onto CHRISTIAN BALE

                                                            Helloooo Dreamboat
He was Batman in "The Dark Night" and he is one of the best looking men in Hollywood (that is not my reason why but it does have to do with it).

I found it hot how he had to be secretive about being Batman and he did it so well. Oh, and he saved people....

Okay, honestly he is dreamy and hot and I would love to meet him. That is why he is my favorite Super Hero. Sorry this is not my best and no, I am not shallow.

On a different note (to make you giggle) I had another incident at the gym and it included Ugg slippers. Hehe, best part... my tennis shoes were in the bottom of my bag but I failed to look (give me a break it was 6 a.m.) and worked out in the slippers. After my workout and 234432536 odd looks I went to change and found my tennis shoes. Cool.

I laughed and thought to myself "typical".

Another note? I had a wonderful Valentines Day! I am usually not a fan of but it was perfect this year :) I am a lucky girl! Hope yours was wonderful. If it was not so wonderful I hope you ate lots of chocolate. If it was wonderful I hope you ate lots of chocolate.

My office seems to see holidays as an excuse for large amounts of treats. I suppose I can live with that.

My healthy snacks included:
-red velvet bar: YUM - I need to make these!
- cupcake

Literally, heaven

I enjoyed some carrot ts with my lunch though so obviously, it balances out.

Love, cake, and Super Hero's

Friday, February 11, 2011

Okay, I am back!

I know, I know it has been like a WEEK. Terrible blogger manners on my part, I apologize.
BUT I CAN EXPLAIN! As you all know I began my first "full-time-big-girl-job" on Monday... Let me tell you how happy I am!
I am working with some of the smartest, hard-working and creative people I have ever met. I can honestly say I am learning more here, in a week, than in college (well some classes). I am so blessed to be working in the field I want and with such talented individuals. Okay, enough sap...

I am trying to think of a funny story from this first week that has happened... well today I wore white and spilled salsa and coffee on myself. Shocking? Nope.

Other than that probably just my mass confusion about remembering how to keep a key card glued to my side at all times (I have gotten locked out when going to the bathroom)...

Oh and I am loving not paying $121890473 a day to park downtown/ get lost in that dang sky way.


A picture of somewhere you have been.

I chose this, it is from Semester at Sea (best 4 months of my life). I am standing on the Great Wall of China and slept on it that night. Pretty cool.

I think I chose this because not only is it quite a site to see but it was a definite time in my life when I realized how blessed and lucky I am. Not many people can say they made it to The Great Wall of China, let alone when they are 20 years old. I was overwhelmed with love for my parents who allowed me to go on this trip and the life I left behind me at home.

Also, this trip in general was a real eye opener for me. I really saw how much more there is in the world other than my little tiny at St. Thomas life. When things seem like "such a big deal" at home... they probably are not. I am so fortunate for all of the people in my life. This trip unveiled my love of travel, I will now suffer from the travel bug for the rest of my life (oh no).

Alright that is all.

Oh wait! I had some Girl Scout Cookies last night and nearly cried with excitement... sad.

Peace, Love, WEEKENDS!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Days 4: Bad Habit

Day 4: A Habit You Wish You Didn’t Have?

Well, I am sure you can easily guess…. Being late (although I have cut down immensely) . I am reaaallly working hard to knock it off. I thank my older sister Megan for her lecturing on being late. She tends to keep me in line, which I need from time to time.


 It is one of my New Years Resolutions to not be late. I am usually late due to various things i.e. I went an extra mile on my run, went to yoga instead of getting ready, stopped at a bakery or forgot I had to get gas. Personally, I feel these are all legitimate reasons but unfortunately, others do not.

 I have learned that when you are late it shows the person waiting that you think your time is more important than theirs. I try very hard to never act like I am better than someone else (because I am not) . A valuable lesson I learned in Yoga Teacher Training is how we are all the same , we are all human and need to treat ALL others equally. Being late is showing you don’t care and/or your time is more valuable. Well that is just rude. I don’t want to be rude so that is my habit I am QUTTING.

I mean I don’t want to be late to the marathon do I?! NO! That would mean no PR…

Quick side note: one time I was legit three minutes late for a ten mile race and I still got 3rd haha I think it made me run faster but COME ON, Molly! 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Silly-Bad-Luck= Confidence Booster?

One of my many silly bad luck stories...

So as I have mentioned before I have silly amounts of bad luck. I had an incident the other day I thought I would share.

I woke up nice and early to go get some cross training in at the LA Fitness in Uptown. First of all getting up early is tough especially when you live in the Minnesota winter (aka hell). Also, the gym I belong to is about 15 minutes from my house. From bed to machine it takes about half an hour (ugghhrhrhh). I was so proud of myself for getting there before work…. Good thing I forgot one minor detail.

MY TENNIS SHOES. Um, okay ……..

So I stood in the locker room contemplating my options.
  1. Go all the way home without a workout and be crabby about it
  2. Try to speed down to CPY and make it there before C2 starts
  3. Workout on the elliptical… in my Ugg slippers

I chose number 3.

 I got plenty of goofy looks. The best part about it was I pretended it was completely normal. Every time someone looked at me confused or just flat out laughed at me I would look at them with a, “Okay weirdo, never seen a girl get her elliptical on before? “ look and then they would awkwardly walk away. It was actually quite entertaining to me and made the 55 minutes on the elliptical wiz by (that thing can be so boring).

I then came to work, on time, with a good workout in sans tennis shoes. I thought about it and wondered what most other (normal people) would have done in my situation and I figured many would go home due to embarrassment. I am tough to embarrass. Plus, I think I embarrassed the weirdo’s looking at me! Which leads me to the moral of the story:

 If you act embarrassed and or unsure of yourself everyone can read that. If you act confident no matter what you do others will feel that and your outcome will be success. i.e. I did not act embarrassed, got an awesome workout in and made other people thing Uggs were the new tennis shoe.

I use this mentality when marathon training. People always tell me I am nuts. For example, when I go out for a night on the town including quite a few cocktails and have to run 22 miles the next morning, everyone tells me how nuts I am (maybe so). BUT I am confident that regardless of my state the next day I WILL run those 22 miles. Guess what? I have every single time. Who is the weirdo now?!?! (probs still me).

Confidence is key in marathon training and I am instilling that in my mind for my next one. I will get my PR and if you think I am crazy… you’re crazy. (It’s okay, I am too.)

Day 3: A Picture of Your Friends.

Day 3! I have the best friends ever...

Okay, I have two sets: College and high school and they both mean the world to me :

First I will do the HHS girls… I met two of them, Kristin and Sarah in kindergarden and have been friends ever since. We went form K through 8th grade together and got in our share of trouble. Then, we moved onto high school together. We came from the tiny Catholic school so it was a bit intimidating at first…. Until I met this girl Caitlin: p.s. check out her hilarious and witty blog here. She is a third sister to me.

 We clicked right away and there was no turning back. We became instant best friends and probably somewhat annoyingly obsessed with each other. Our moms talked about how we had our own language.  We enjoyed countless sleepovers eating cookie dough until we felt sick and laughed until we cried. She has been there with me through EVERYTHING. She is a fitness guru (for realz) and is an inspiration for healthy living and just living in general (my blog inspiration and introducer too!)

Love you!!

Then we met Layman. Did I just have class with you and we fell in love? I can't even remember but we all five became best friends and loved every second of HS together. Leaving them for UST was tough!
Forth of July at Laymans

My Cabin

But I did it… College came and I picked UST (THANK GOD) because I met these fine ladies. I have some unbelievable memories of college thanks to all these girls. Crazy, hilarious, roll on the ground laughter along with some crying (we are girls) a few cocktails (a few?!)

... and weekends away loving life.

Best two weekends ever. 

 I am blessed to have each one in my life and they have all made me a better person.
I consider my friends my soul mates and I know I am SO lucky to have them. 

Love you all :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 2: Explain the name of your blog...!

Day 2:

I have kind of gone over the meaning of my blog name in the previous post but if you do not feel like making a few clicks with your mouse I will tell you here:

I am moderately obsessed with running and do it a lot. I have completed three marathons and they were all incredible experiences and I just signed up for numba four. Holla
My first one was here in lovely Minnesota, the   Twin Cities Marathon!  I had run the ten mile about two years before. I guess I could explain why I started running….

So in high school I was on the dance team. I loooooved it so much! I loved my whole team and the competitiveness. Competitions were my favorite. I ran here and there in high school, mostly when it was not dance season to keep in shape. Once I got to college I was not dancing anymore and found myself with a lot more free time: So I started running, a lot. I loved the endorphins and the challenge I thought to myself “ just go two more blocks today” It was terrific.

I ran a few 5ks and the TC10 Mile and then went abroad on Semester at Sea  (Best four months of my life) For those of you who have been abroad you will understand this next part: When abroad you think you can do anything… I ran my first half marathon in South Africa woooweee!

The "crazy runners" on the ship

After that I thought “hey why not do a whole one” so I signed up while on the ship. Needless to say when I got home I thought to myself: “Oh sh*#”. I trained hard and did not miss a run all summer. I had a goal of finishing under four hours and I came in at 3:25… not too shabby!

Fabulous Friends

Am I skipping?

After I crossed the finish line I had bffs and fam. waiting and I cried a lot… I was hooked. I love training (and the eating that comes with it) and the feeling of crossing the finish line is unreal.  I guess I am a girl who thrives on challenge. Oh, and I got 3rd in my age group!

My parents had planned their anniversary before I signed up so they missed my first marathon … and since they missed it they said “hey, lets go to Boston” BOOM

Celebrating with beers! (This was two nights before, I swear).

I did it … I beat myself there by about 20 seconds haha I thought it was way harder though (more hills), Boy was that a terrific weekend.

Mile 17, riiiight after heartbreak hill. Why the smile, freak? 

The best parents ever!

Next Marathon: My roommate Rach talked me into and our other roommate Jalisa joined!

6 a.m. 
Mile 20-something 

I tacked on 5 minutes this time but I did this one for fun with my roomies and did not care about my time. Awesome to see your friends finish!

Love you both!

Now I am headed for Chi town next where I am hoping to get my PR (3:23) and then hit up NYC! (city of dreams)

Oh, the second part has to do with how I tend to be late, which is not a good thing but I think it goes to explain a few silly qualities about me: I have goofy bad luck and sometimes lack in organization skills. I am also usually late because I 1. Was running 2. Was at yoga 3. Was shopping or 4. Stopped in a bakery. All legitimate reasons?!

30 Day Challenge: Day 1... picture of me.

30 Day Challenge: 

So in order to get myself running (no pun intended) I have taken up a 30 day blogging challenge. Everyday there is a different question that I am supposed to answer… okay, here we go:

Day 1. A picture of me and 15 interesting facts about me: Gee wiz this should be fun…


I chose this picture for a few reasons that lead into interesting facts about me.

  1. I am goofy/ weird. I really am and I prefer to be around goofy/ weird ppl.
  2. I LOVE SUMMER- this picture was last summer and I am a summer gal
  3. I teach yoga and love it
  4. I love running and just signed up for marathon numba four
  5. I ran the Boston Marathon and got my PR there!
  6. I have at least three cups of coffee a day (one is usually an Americano)
  7. I am obsessed with dessert and frosting
  8. I can lick my elbow, which is supposed to be humanly impossible
  9. I love gum
  10. I have naturally REALLY thick eyebrows (used to have a uni haha)
  11. I went on Semester at Sea and visited 12 countries
  12. I am not a huge fan of kids but hope that will change someday
  13. I tend to run late
  14. I have a chipped front tooth with no intentions of getting it fixed
  15. I have slits in my ear lobe… earrings ripped out and I have not fixed it

Cool huh?


Freshly 22! 

I am 22 and finally beginning my first job since I graduated in May. I have done some work-from-home and free-lancing, as well as interning and have had some wonderful mentors! Now I am starting my dream job (starting as an intern on Monday) wish me Luck! (I plan on kicking ass and taking names).

One thing I SWEAR I will improve on (and explains the name of my blog a bit) is running late. I really have a tendency to be late. BUT it is a New Years resolution to knock it off. I read a wonderful quote that totally put it into perspective for me:

“When you are late it shows that you think your tiny world is that much more important.” –don’t remember who said it.

EWWW I do not want to come off as a person like that: So I am working on it.

Also the “running” part… I juuuust signed up for my 4th marathon (Chicago 2011, wazzup). With one of my bffs (Rach and sister Megan and friend Kate). I cannot wait I am shooting for my PR, which is currently 3:25 and I am going for 3:23 so I can do NYC. We’ll see… (there will be plenty more running/ marathon posts to come!)

Other little things about me: I am a runner so obvi. I am a foodie and even more of a “sweetie” (probs. not a term but it should be) I LOVE dessert. I mostly eat pretty darn healthy, I like the way it makes me feel and how I run but seriously, put a brownie in front of me and CHOMP it’s gone (esp. if it is from Bread and Chocolate.)

Or the best cake in the world from: The Cakery in my hometown

21st bday cake (omg)

I can be a little impulsive/ spontaneous: I also have odd amounts of silly bad luck.  Luckily, I usually find it hilarious and laugh it off. Examples: Spill whenever I wear white, I run out of gas far too often, every time I put a water bottle in my purse it is somehow opened. I have forgotten underwear and a hair dryer on early morning gym visits before work (uncomfortable and ugly)... Too much information? 

I love to shop: my friends and family have intervened.

I live in Minneapolis and we have a love-hate relationship (love summer and hate winter).
                                               The best summer of my life with these kids.

My family is the best Mom, Dad, Megan and Kate. I grew up as the forgotten middle child but I am okay with it because now I am the favorite, hehe.

Da Fam.

My friends are awesome, like really the best. I live with six girls in a "Post College Sorority" house.
We pretend this is our "symbol"...

My friends from high school are unreal as well... 

Sometimes I wish I was still in College because UST rocks but for the most part I am enjoying this whole “grown-up” thing…
Great UST memories!

*Disclaimer: you will all learn I am immature – and I plan on staying that way.

Oh lastly, I teach Power Vinyassa Yoga and the lovely CPY and I teach Sculpt as well. I am obsessed with yoga. I will have posts on that lata gatas