Friday, February 11, 2011

Okay, I am back!

I know, I know it has been like a WEEK. Terrible blogger manners on my part, I apologize.
BUT I CAN EXPLAIN! As you all know I began my first "full-time-big-girl-job" on Monday... Let me tell you how happy I am!
I am working with some of the smartest, hard-working and creative people I have ever met. I can honestly say I am learning more here, in a week, than in college (well some classes). I am so blessed to be working in the field I want and with such talented individuals. Okay, enough sap...

I am trying to think of a funny story from this first week that has happened... well today I wore white and spilled salsa and coffee on myself. Shocking? Nope.

Other than that probably just my mass confusion about remembering how to keep a key card glued to my side at all times (I have gotten locked out when going to the bathroom)...

Oh and I am loving not paying $121890473 a day to park downtown/ get lost in that dang sky way.


A picture of somewhere you have been.

I chose this, it is from Semester at Sea (best 4 months of my life). I am standing on the Great Wall of China and slept on it that night. Pretty cool.

I think I chose this because not only is it quite a site to see but it was a definite time in my life when I realized how blessed and lucky I am. Not many people can say they made it to The Great Wall of China, let alone when they are 20 years old. I was overwhelmed with love for my parents who allowed me to go on this trip and the life I left behind me at home.

Also, this trip in general was a real eye opener for me. I really saw how much more there is in the world other than my little tiny at St. Thomas life. When things seem like "such a big deal" at home... they probably are not. I am so fortunate for all of the people in my life. This trip unveiled my love of travel, I will now suffer from the travel bug for the rest of my life (oh no).

Alright that is all.

Oh wait! I had some Girl Scout Cookies last night and nearly cried with excitement... sad.

Peace, Love, WEEKENDS!

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