Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 2: Explain the name of your blog...!

Day 2:

I have kind of gone over the meaning of my blog name in the previous post but if you do not feel like making a few clicks with your mouse I will tell you here:

I am moderately obsessed with running and do it a lot. I have completed three marathons and they were all incredible experiences and I just signed up for numba four. Holla
My first one was here in lovely Minnesota, the   Twin Cities Marathon!  I had run the ten mile about two years before. I guess I could explain why I started running….

So in high school I was on the dance team. I loooooved it so much! I loved my whole team and the competitiveness. Competitions were my favorite. I ran here and there in high school, mostly when it was not dance season to keep in shape. Once I got to college I was not dancing anymore and found myself with a lot more free time: So I started running, a lot. I loved the endorphins and the challenge I thought to myself “ just go two more blocks today” It was terrific.

I ran a few 5ks and the TC10 Mile and then went abroad on Semester at Sea  (Best four months of my life) For those of you who have been abroad you will understand this next part: When abroad you think you can do anything… I ran my first half marathon in South Africa woooweee!

The "crazy runners" on the ship

After that I thought “hey why not do a whole one” so I signed up while on the ship. Needless to say when I got home I thought to myself: “Oh sh*#”. I trained hard and did not miss a run all summer. I had a goal of finishing under four hours and I came in at 3:25… not too shabby!

Fabulous Friends

Am I skipping?

After I crossed the finish line I had bffs and fam. waiting and I cried a lot… I was hooked. I love training (and the eating that comes with it) and the feeling of crossing the finish line is unreal.  I guess I am a girl who thrives on challenge. Oh, and I got 3rd in my age group!

My parents had planned their anniversary before I signed up so they missed my first marathon … and since they missed it they said “hey, lets go to Boston” BOOM

Celebrating with beers! (This was two nights before, I swear).

I did it … I beat myself there by about 20 seconds haha I thought it was way harder though (more hills), Boy was that a terrific weekend.

Mile 17, riiiight after heartbreak hill. Why the smile, freak? 

The best parents ever!

Next Marathon: My roommate Rach talked me into and our other roommate Jalisa joined!

6 a.m. 
Mile 20-something 

I tacked on 5 minutes this time but I did this one for fun with my roomies and did not care about my time. Awesome to see your friends finish!

Love you both!

Now I am headed for Chi town next where I am hoping to get my PR (3:23) and then hit up NYC! (city of dreams)

Oh, the second part has to do with how I tend to be late, which is not a good thing but I think it goes to explain a few silly qualities about me: I have goofy bad luck and sometimes lack in organization skills. I am also usually late because I 1. Was running 2. Was at yoga 3. Was shopping or 4. Stopped in a bakery. All legitimate reasons?!