
Hi! I basically said a lot of this in my first blog  But I will give some short details here.

I love to run so so so much. I love the empowerment it gives me. I love the challenge and I love the endorphins. It is almost unexplainable to me and I get told I'm crazy all the time.

I fell in love with running in college and have worked up my millage ever since. I have completed three marathons and just signed up for numba four! Chicago Marathon here I come! :) I plan on using this blog to help me reach my PR and train hard. I also hope to inspire some people to run or to go after their own PR. I love talking about running and getting other people into it!

I also love yoga. I came to yoga after a really bad running injury... it was love at first class at CPY. I now teach Sculpt, C1 and C2 at a few different locations in the Twin Cities. It changed my life and I am completely in love with how it has improved my body, mind, endurance and life. I encourage everyone and their brother to try it.

I am interning at a fantastic PR agency and learning from the best! Everyday is thrilling.

I love desserts and baking and will update with recipes I love.

I USED to always be late and am working on that but it explains my silly-bad-luck I always have i.e. spilling on myself or in my purse daily, forgetting tennis shoes on my way to the gym, chipping my tooth... I could go on...

I love my friends and family to death.

I am recent college grad and pretty into this "big girl thing".

Peace, Love, Run, Breathe :)